@Dirk, The lunarbaboon is a huge Star Wars fan. Thus he is less concerned with the teachings of the mundane compared unleashing Moshie's Jedi potential. The teacher's confusion indicates 'these aren't the teachers he is looking for' for his padawan. Fantastic work as always Lunar!
Reader Comments (5)
It feels like I'm missing something here!
@Dirk, The lunarbaboon is a huge Star Wars fan. Thus he is less concerned with the teachings of the mundane compared unleashing Moshie's Jedi potential. The teacher's confusion indicates 'these aren't the teachers he is looking for' for his padawan. Fantastic work as always Lunar!
Totally get it. My daughter had to be home schooled in Star Wars, dinosaurs, Spider-Man.... all the important stuff was missing from the curriculum.
Hahaha epic. I see the force is strong with you